Thursday, January 6, 2011

Java Application Programming - Components and Various Development Tools

Java is a very popular programming language which involves various syn-taxes from C++ and C language. But it has a simpler model then these two other complex programming languages. It has object model and low-level facilities for the users which makes it easier and simpler to use and understand.
Java Application Programming was developed by a person named James Gosling in 1995, at a present date subsidiary of Oracle Corporations, which was then called as sun Micro-systems. JVM or Java Virtual Machines are needed to run these java applications which are compiled to class file format. Irrespective of the computer architecture JVM is always required to run this type of files. Java Application Programming is specifically designed to have the least amount of implementation bottlenecks. It works on the principle of "write once, run anywhere" pattern.
It means once your write the coding of the program, you can use it on other destination too. You don't need to write it again and gain every time. Java is not only a programming language but also a software platform, which lets the application developers to use this simpler, class based and object-oriented programming language instead of the complicated high level languages like C and C++.
But the major disadvantage of using Java Application Programming is that, the programs written in Java are slower and need more memory space to get stored then the programs written in C language.
For that concern, the sun Micro-systems have been working upon java technologies under the specifications of the Java community process. And have achieved remarkable success in the context of introducing Just in time compilation model to run these applications in the year 1997-98. Some new language features have been added to the language like inner classes, optional assertions and String-buffer class etc.
Java has compilers in it, which conduct the basic functions whenever an application developer writes a code with syn-taxes and characters to run a particular Java Application Programming code.
For faster speed a company names Systronix has developed a micro-controller called jStik based on a line of java processors. A standard edition for Java Application Programming language has various components. It uses multi-tier architecture for database connectivity. It uses XMl files to store data and writing codes. JDOM is used for outputting XML data from Java code.
All the components of java work together to perform a given task, and such components are listed below:
1. Development tools and APIs as Java complier, Java debugger, Javadoc and JPDA
2. Deployment technologies could have sub-parts like Java web-start and Java plug-in
3. User interface tool kits are swing, AWT, sound, input methods, java 2D and accessibility.
4. Integration APIs are RMI, JDBC, JNDI, and CORBA.
5. Core APIs are like XML, logging, beans, Locale support, Preferences, Collections, JNI, Security, Lang, Util, New I/O and Networking
6. Java virtual machines are of three types as, Java hotspot client compiler, Java hotspot server complier ad Java hotspot VM runtime.
The various Java platforms are:
• Solaris
• Linux
• Windows
• And others.
Know more about the java application programming and the services regarding the same.


James said...

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Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing all these custom software development tools, although the article is really old. It is great to find such helpful information

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